Friday, September 27, 2013

4th Grade Trip to Discovery Center

It was a beautiful day for a field trip.  In the morning we attended a session about Lewis and Clark.  We made leaf presses and seed balls (so cool!). You can plant the seed balls now or wait for a couple of years.  You just have to water them and they should grow. 

In the afternoon we learned about how Lewis and Clark’s expedition obtained food and how habitats work.  The students created skits to share their knowledge of habitats, predator, and prey.  Very entertaining!  J

Sorting the cargo for Lewis and Clark's keel boat.   
They could only take 2,000 pounds of cargo.
It is hard to pack for a journey with so many unknowns, including how long it will take.

Hiking to different habitats to prepare the skits.
Coyote and beaver in the prairie skit.
Red fox and muskrat skit.
Muskrat and bobcat near the pond skit.
Everyone loved playing in the natural playground made from stones and logs!

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