Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2nd Grade Field Trip to Powell Gardens

We learned about insects, bugs, and plants on our Powell Gardens field trip.  We also saw many amazing Lego sculptures.  We started our trip with a lesson about the difference between bugs and insects.  We got to pet a Madagascar hissing cockroach and watch a tarantula named Annie.  We also learned that people across the world eat insects.  Some of us tried eating a meal worm-yummy!
Common Green Darner Dragonfly made from 6,535 Lego bricks.

American Bumblebee made from 16,383 Lego bricks.

Our lovely, young ladies and a rose made from 41,242 Lego bricks.

Lego Lawn Mower (13,704 pieces)

Not sure what this is... but it made for a great photo opportunity!

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