Friday, October 30, 2015

4th Grade Discovery Center Trip

Our trip to the Discovery Center was amazing!  The students tried to make fire using two methods that Lewis and Clark used: a lens/the Sun and flint/steel.  I was impressed with the students’ perseverance as this was not easy.  Two groups made fire using the lens method.  many students made sparks with the flint and steel but did not make fire.  They have a new appreciation for the struggles Lewis and Clark faced. We also used compasses to find marked cards.  They first learned how to use the compasses and how to count their paces. Then they followed the directions from card to card and answered questions about people who traveled with Lewis and Clark.  In the afternoon, they learned about the items Lewis and Clark took with them on their journey.  They also practiced journaling by describing the weather conditions and taking notes about two plants.  They also pressed the plants which is how Lewis and Clark preserved plant specimens.

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