Monday, November 30, 2015

2nd Grade Science Experiments

Today we read two stories and conducted two experiments. First, we learned about Friction Fred. Then we conducted an experiment by rubbing a spoon on our nose to see what would happen. Then we read about Gilbert Gas and conducted an experiment where we put a balloon filled with salt in a soda bottle. When we lifted the balloon to pour the salt in, the soda fizzed up and the balloon inflated. We recorded our hypothesis, observation, and conclusions for each experiment.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

3rd Grade Prosthetic Arm Inventions

We watched all of the videos for our SuperScience magazine and discussed them. We particularly enjoyed an article and video about a young boy named Aiden who made his own prosthetic arms.  He made arms with a fork, Legos, a violin bow, and many more.  He now works with engineers to develop other prosthetic arms that will grow with him.  Then each student invented a prosthetic arm that completed a specific task and shared it with the class.
His prosthetic arm invention can carry a plate and drink.  
Her prosthetic arm invention can carry various objects.
Her prosthetic arm invention can be used to play the piano.
Her prosthetic arm invention is a drum.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

2nd Grade Field Trip to HyVee

We had a guided tour by a dietitian at HyVee. She showed us the produce, cheese, bakery, seafood, sushi, and Italian sections.  She talked about healthy eating habits and introduced the students to new foods. We then made parfaits with Greek yogurt, fruit, and granola.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

5th Grade Trip to Staab Studios

We toured Staab Studios where Gary Staab creates sculptures for museums and other purposes.  He showed us several current and past projects.  He has been working with NOVA on a movie about Otzi the Iceman that will air in February.  We also saw his mystery drawer where he saves neat items and we make guesses about them.  We even held a megalodon's tooth! We learned about the process used to make the sculptures and how he became an artist/scientist.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

4th Grade Harvesters Field Trip

We bagged apples today at Harvesters. They were huge red delicious apples. The students (and parents) worked really hard to bag the apples. They bagged 6 pallets worth! Then they enjoyed eating at CiCi’s pizza.

3rd Grade Remington Nature Center Trip

The students traveled to Remington Nature Center in St. Joseph, MO.  They completed a scavenger hunt and learned about weather.  Then they made tornadoes using tornado tubes and 2-liter bottles.

Monday, November 9, 2015

2nd Grade Electricity Experiments

We read a story about Ellie Electricity. Then we made a hypothesis about how a bubble will react to a balloon that has been rubbed on a wool sock (or your head).  We concluded that the bubble and balloon had opposite electrical charges because they were attracted to each other.  If they had the same charges, they would repel each other.  We did a bonus activity with a balloon and tissue paper.  We concluded that the tissue paper and balloon also have opposite charges.