Wednesday, April 29, 2015

3rd Grade Working in the Secret Garden

The 3rd graders spread mulch around all of the flowers that the 5th graders planted last week.  They also watered all of the new flowers.  The garden is really looking great after all of their hard work!

Friday, April 24, 2015

5th Grade Working in the Secret Garden

The 5th graders wanted to fix up the Secret Garden, so we weeded and planted some flowers this week.  First we figured out what was a weed v. a wanted plant.  Then they worked hard pulling the unwanted weeds.  We all now have a strong dislike for dandelions!  Then the students planted several different shade-loving annuals.  There were also a few areas where students prepared the soil and sowed seeds.  We are excited to see the fruits of our labors over the next few weeks.

5th Grade Creative Problem Solving: Build a Pontoon Boat

The students had to design a pontoon boat using limited materials that would float and hold the most weight (pennies). Each team was successful and we learned that it is pretty cool to see a pontoon boat sink-very dramatic compared to other boats we have made! :)

4th/5th Grade Robotics Field Trip

We traveled to Kearney High School to visit the Kearney Robotics Team and their robot.  They explained all that went into building and programming the robot.  They also demonstrated how it uses a conveyor belt to stack boxes.  Some of the students even got a chance to test drive the robot. :)

Monday, April 13, 2015

2nd Grade Trip to Penrod's Greenhouse

We traveled to Penrod's Greenhouse today to get a behind-the-scenes look at all it takes to run a greenhouse.  We saw several machines that help with planting seeds, mixing soil, and transplanting seedlings.  We saw plants from South Africa and South America.  We also sniffed various herbs and learned the difference between annuals and perennials.  We helped take some moss rose seedlings and transplant them into larger containers.  Mr. Penrod let each student take home 4 moss rose plants to plant when it gets just a bit warmer.  He also made sure the teachers did not leave empty handed. :) Thanks for being such an amazing local business!
Watching the machine that plants 324 seeds at one time.
This beautiful plant is considered a weed in South Africa.
Mr. Penrod showing us moss rose with the help of Jasmine the cat. :)
This is the machine that mixes the soil and puts it into the containers.
Planting moss rose.  
Thanks for an amazing time!

Friday, April 10, 2015

5th Grade Trip to UMKC

What an amazing experience!  We started our day with a presentation by a student about what the School of Computing and Engineering offers and about the robotics competitions.  Then we went to the new library and saw how they use robots to get books off of shelves.  Next we saw (and heard) a demonstration of a small jet engine and a hexacopter drone.  They served us pizza and cookies for lunch and gave each student a goodie bag.  We ended our day in the Geosciences Museum which houses one of the largest collections of rocks in the Central United States.  We also saw fulgurites (when lightning strikes land and melts the soil), fossils, and petrified wood.   

One of the robots grabbing books for us.
Small jet engine demonstration.
Hexacopter demonstration.
Saber-toothed tiger skull.
This is a fulgurite from Clay County.
Professor Gentile explaining several prehistoric skeletons.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

3rd Grade Trip to the Puppetry Arts Institute

The students had an amazing time learning about puppetry and designing their own puppets.  I was so impressed with their creativity!  They are now working to write a puppet show to perform for the younger grades.  

Monday, April 6, 2015

4th Grade Trip to the Pony Express Museum

First, we went to the Pony School where the students dressed and acted like students in 1861.  Then we toured the museum and had an exciting guide explain the history of the Pony Express.  We reflected on our experiences when we got back to school.