Tuesday, September 23, 2014

3rd Grade Science Experiment

We read about carnivorous plants like the pitcher plant and venus flytrap in our "ScienceWorld" magazines.  We learned that they dissolve their food.  Then we conducted an experiment to see how different substances dissolve starches (specifically a Saltine cracker).  We crushed a dime-sized amount of Saltine into three different cups.  Then added our substances: dish soap, pineapple juice, and water. We let it sit for 10 minutes.  Then we added a drop of iodine to each cup.  The iodine turns black when it comes into contact with starch, so we could tell which substances had dissolved the starch.  Many of us made the hypothesis that the pineapple juice would dissolve the most starch, but it turns out we were wrong.  The iodine did not react at all in the dish soap, so it did not have any starch left.  The iodine turned really black in the water, so it did not dissolve the starch at all.

Monday, September 22, 2014

2nd Grade Engineers

The 2nd graders are using the Zoob Challenge kits to practice engineering skills.  Here they are with some of their creations:

Friday, September 19, 2014

3rd Grade Trip to the Old Firehouse

We didn't have to travel a long distance on this trip, but we did travel back in time with Darrell McClung.  He came to the Old Firehouse and spoke to us about the history of Kearney starting in the early 1800's.  Then the students chose one major event in Kearney's history to illustrate.  Some of their illustrations are now on display at the Old Firehouse.

Monday, September 15, 2014

2nd Grade Trip to the KC Beanstalk Garden

We traveled to the KC Beanstalk Garden today.  We toured the gardens and learned about where many of the foods we eat come from.  We also got to taste a variety of plants; some were sweet while some were very tart.  We planted some basil to bring home with us.  It was amazing to see all of the beautiful plants!

These are peanuts.
Analyzing the sunflowers.
Tasting one of the many plants.  This berry was sweet at the beginning, but then tasted antiseptic and kind of dried our mouths out.  
This is the sensitive plant.  The leaves curl up when you touch it.  I think the students could have played with it for hours! :)
Planting our basil.

Friday, September 12, 2014

5th Grade Trip to Coolcrest and Martha Lafite Nature Sanctuary

We traveled to Coolcrest and enjoyed 18 holes of minigolf.  Then we headed to Martha Lafite Nature Sanctuary for lunch and a special program.  We learned about many of the creatures and plants in MO wetlands.  Then the students split into groups to test the pH, clarity, and depth of the creek.  Students then used nets and cups to collect creek creatures including crayfish, a tan cricket, a dragonfly nymph, a mayfly nymph, and some damselfly nymphs.  

Introducing the 2015 GATE Mini Golf Champions!
We learned about several of the creatures and plants in MO wetlands.  This presentation is about the bullfrog.
Getting directions from Ms. Pat.

They spotted some raccoon tracks.
Learning about all of the creatures they caught.
Examining a crayfish exoskeleton that they found.  

4th Grade Trip to MO Town

We traveled back in time to a MO town in 1855.  We learned about how to be a blacksmith and what life was like back then.  We toured many buildings including a church, tavern, and school.  We met some animals: a horse named Dusty, roaming sheep, stinky pigs, and some shy chickens. 

The students quickly learned to watch where they took a step. ;)
The students playing with some toys from the 1850's.  This toy helped teach young children how to milk a cow.  

These were two of the stinkiest pigs we have ever been around!

One of the settlers taught the students how to use two types of saws.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

5th Grade: Cup Pyramid Challenge

The students worked in small groups to build a pyramid with 6 cups.  They had to use a rubber band with string to touch the cups though instead of their hands.  This activity really forced them to communicate with their team and persevere when cups dropped, etc.  I loved seeing their exuberant faces when they accomplished this challenge!