Tuesday, May 20, 2014

3rd Graders Puppet Show

The 3rd graders wrote and performed a puppet show for the 1st graders.  They created the puppets at the Puppetry Arts Institute and made all of the props.  Here is a video of their puppet show.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

5th Grade Careers on Wheels

Today was Hawthorne’s Careers on Wheels exhibit, so we toured the different vehicles to learn about various careers.  We learned about EMTs, glass cutting, MidContinent Library, Highway Patrol, cattle farming, etc.  It was windy, but informative!

5th Grade Snail Observations

Today was the first day with our snails.  We reviewed how to handle our classroom guests.  Then we got them out so they could walk on transparency film.  They left lots of slime trails.  We also turned out the lights and used flashlights to observe their hearts beating inside their shells-so cool!  Then we placed note card ramps in front of them to see how they like to climb.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

4th Grade Snail Observations

Today was the first day with our snails.  We recorded our observations and reviewed how to handle our classroom guests.  Then we got them out so they could walk on transparency film.  They left lots of slime trails.  We also turned out the lights and used flashlights to observe their hearts beating inside their shells-so cool!  Then we placed note card ramps in front of them to see how they like to climb.  

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

3rd Grade Snail Experiment

Today was the first day with our snails.  We recorded our observations and reviewed how to handle our classroom guests.  Then we conducted our first experiment to answer the questions:  How sticky is snail slime? and Why do snails need sticky slime?  First, we had our snails make slime trails all over a piece of transparency film.  Then we put sand, a leaf, a dime, and a piece of aluminum foil on the slime trail and held the film upside down to see if the slime trail would hold the objects.  Most slime trails held sand, but did not hold anything else.  The students noticed that the snails did not leave very much slime.  They think that is because the slime dries so fast.  They were still able to conclude that snails need sticky slime in order to climb upside down on logs, etc.  This conclusion was made primarily based on their observations.

Monday, May 12, 2014

2nd Grade Snail Experiments

Today was the first day with our snails.  We recorded our observations and reviewed how to handle our classroom guests.  Then we conducted our first experiment to answer the questions:  How sticky is snail slime? and Why do snails need sticky slime?  First, we had our snails make slime trails all over a piece of transparency film.  Then we put sand, a leaf, a dime, and a piece of aluminum foil on the slime trail and held the film upside down to see if the slime trail would hold the objects.  Most slime trails held sand, but did not hold anything else.  The students noticed that the snails did not leave very much slime.  They think that is because they need more moisture, so next week we will make sure they have lots of moisture in their habitat ahead of time.  They were still able to conclude that snails need sticky slime in order to climb upside down on logs, etc.  This conclusion was made primarily based on their observations.

Friday, May 9, 2014

2nd Grade Zoo Trip

What a beautiful day to be at the zoo!  I loved hearing all of the students share their experiences from the trip. The highlights were the sea lion show and the penguins.   

Enjoying the sea lion show.

Chillin' with a red panda.
Look!  Camels!
Close encounters with penguins.

Excited, but tired after our zoo adventures!